Mastodon Nachhilfe Mathematics, English Literature, English Language, Double and Single Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, P IG1 Ilford, 12 GCSEs AS level Biology Chemistry Psychology BSc Honours Financial Economics Postgraduate in Ed, Ilford Financial, Financial Nachhilfe in Ilford : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Financial Ilford

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: IG4 Ilford in England | IG5 Ilford in England | IG1 Ilford in England | 2850 Ilford in New South Wales
Weitere Anbieter und Orte in der Nähe von Ilford: 6pd, 9ew, 2qz, 8ar, 4pb, Brockley, Charlton, 5jx
Suche: Financial in Ilford  (1 Ergebnis / 8)   

Nachhilfe in Ilford

Nachhilfe Mathematics, English Literature, English... Primary/11+/SATS/GCSE/AS level

ID 16156
aus IG1 Ilford
Mathematics, English Literature, English Language, Double and Single Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, AS level Psychology, AS level Sociology, Urdu, Religious Studies, AS level and GCSE Economics, Numeracy, Literacy
12 GCSEs AS level Biology Chemistry Psychology BSc Honours Financial Economics Postgraduate in Education (Secondary) PGCE
Primary/11+/SATS/GCSE/AS level
Nachhilfe Profilbild
I am a secondary school mathematics teacher. I am an excellent communicator and will try every way to make knowledge and skills stick in your head! I believe learning is about building understanding for a subject in a methodical and consistent way. I have been tutoring for a number of years. I am proud of the achievements of my tutees. One particular tutee I had was predicted a D for GCSE Chemistry and a D for Mathematics, I tutored her for 4 months before the exams and she got a B for Chemistry and an A for Mathematics, how great is that?? Another tutee of mine was taking GCSE Statistics in Year 10, I tutored him and managed to pull his A up to an A*! I have a clear, friendly but firm teaching style. I enjoy the challenge of working with young people and find their learning experiences extremely rewarding.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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