Mastodon Nachhilfe German 12619 Berlin, \"Languages and Business Studies\" completed in France, Germany and the UK., Berlin Mechatronik, Mechatronik Nachhilfe in Berlin : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Mechatronik Berlin

Es geht evtl. um mehrere Themen(?):

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 44610 Berlin in Ohio | 15530 Berlin in Pennsylvania | 54923 Berlin in Wisconsin | 21811 Berlin in Maryland | 08009 Berlin in New Jersey | 31722 Berlin in Georgia | 12022 Berlin in New York | 06037 Berlin in Connecticut | 01503 Berlin in Massachusetts | 03570 Berlin in New Hampshire | 58415 Berlin in North Dakota | 29824 Berlin in Chiapas | 35103 Berlin in Durango | 94517 Berlin in Veracruz De Ignacio De La Llave | 29133 Berlin in Chiapas | 37914 Berlin in Guanajuato | 30365 Berlin in Chiapas | 30587 Berlin in Chiapas | 34913 Berlin in Durango | 35630 Berlin in Durango
Suche: Mechatronik in Berlin  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Berlin

Nachhilfe German All levels

ID 35781
aus 12619 Berlin
\"Languages and Business Studies\" completed in France, Germany and the UK.
All levels
Nachhilfe Profilbild
My name is Juliane, I am from Berlin and I am giving online German lessons rnMy classes are individual classes via skype and last one hour. We can talk about subjects that you are interested in, you can also chose a specific grammar point, I can tell you something about cultural aspects, anything you want. The lessons will be totally adapted to your needs and wishes rnI have been giving individual lessons since 2004 and online lessons since March 2010 and I honestly think that it is a great way to learn. I could accomany your learning process, send you exercises from time to time, correct your texts and spelling, and we can make it work! On my website, there is also a learning platform to which I will upload all the material we worked through, including German songs, powerpoint presentations, grammar explanations and the corrections to your homework rnThe rates vary between 19 and 26 USD If you are interested in a free 30 minute trial lesson, please let me know rnBis bald Juliane
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~10 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Webseite  info  Kontakt
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Viel Erfolg!

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