Mastodon Nachhilfe | Suche Englisch, Geschichte, Spanisch, Spanish 28002 Madrid, Hello, I am half Spanish and half German, but I mainly lived in Madrid. Furthermore, I used to go , : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe in Englisch, Geschichte, Spanisch, Spanish

ID 318410
28002 Madrid
Englisch, Geschichte, Spanisch, Spanish
Hello, I am half Spanish and half German, but I mainly lived in Madrid. Furthermore, I used to go the German School of Madrid until the age of 15 so I am fluent in German and Spanish making me more than qualified to help with history in any of these languages. Moreover, I left Madrid at 15 and lived in England for the past 5 years. Currently I am studying Law with Psychology at the University of Southampton. Thus, I am more than capable at helping people to improve their speaking and writing skills in that language as well. I have gotten a top grade at English and History, which is the equivalent of a grade 1 in the German system. I have also volunteered at schools in the UK to help children improve their German speaking and writing skills as well as helping them with their History and English. Therefore, I am very used to adapting to different levels of studies of different pupils and shape my tutoring in a way that is the most engaging to each person depending on their best way of study and skills.
12. Klasse
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Hello, My name is Helena and I am half Spanish half German. I am currently in the UK studying so I could do online classes, but I will be back in Spain in mid July until September in case you prefer in person classes. Obviously I would also keep on offering online classes throughout the year.
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