Mastodon Nachhilfe Arabic Language, Arabic B92 7 Birmingham, PhD in science, Birmingham Arabic, Arabic Nachhilfe in Birmingham : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Arabic Birmingham

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 44816 Birmingham in Ohio | 48009 Birmingham in Michigan | 48012 Birmingham in Michigan | 35235 Birmingham in Alabama | 35215 Birmingham in Alabama | 35210 Birmingham in Alabama | 35206 Birmingham in Alabama | 35217 Birmingham in Alabama | 35212 Birmingham in Alabama | 35207 Birmingham in Alabama | 35223 Birmingham in Alabama | 35222 Birmingham in Alabama | 35213 Birmingham in Alabama | 35234 Birmingham in Alabama | 35201 Birmingham in Alabama | 35202 Birmingham in Alabama | 35237 Birmingham in Alabama | 35246 Birmingham in Alabama | 35249 Birmingham in Alabama | 35283 Birmingham in Alabama
Suche: Arabic in Birmingham  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Birmingham

Nachhilfe Arabic Biggener - Intermediate

ID 8637
aus B92 7 Birmingham
Arabic Language, Arabic
PhD in science
Biggener - Intermediate
All students are evaluated in the first session. Therefore, all lessons are customized to individual student's needs. My students' age varies from primary-school students to senior citizens. I will try to give the student plenty of exercises with plenty of opportunity to ask questions in Arabic and converse. Asking questions, working out live problems in the Arabic grammar and making up sentences is very important for a student of the Arabic language and I try to give the student plenty of opportunity to do so. I try use many different ways in my teaching according to the age and the level of the students. I use all types of activities such as games, flash cards, play role and etc. I'm a native Arabic person living in the UK. Therefore my Middle Eastern background provides a wide variety of cultural background information.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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